Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Just Bought Extreme Power Saver

I previously blogged about the Extreme Power Saver.  Although I wasn't convinced with the negative feedbacks I gathered online about the product, still I bought it (and my officemate too). Well, I just want to give it a try and see for myself if it really works.

The salesman confirmed that it is really just a capacitor.  Sad to say, up to now, I still don't know what that heck means.  Whatevah!  But just in case it won't lower my power consumption for two consecutive months, I still have the option to return it at Ace Hardware and exchange it with other items at the same price.

Few days from now, my MERALCO bill will be delivered both online and by mail.  My officemate and I are already excited!  Aren't you too?  Nevertheless, I'll post in here my electric bill as soon as it becomes available.

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