Monday, June 13, 2011

An Eye for an Eye

Gospel for today, June 13, 2011

Jesus tells us that revenge is never an option for a Christian. When someone sins against us we are obliged to forgive them. This does not mean that we have to let them trample over us again and again, but it does mean that we have to put aside any notions of revenge or getting even. A person who sins against us will lose a certain level of our trust but even here we should seek to rehabilitate the relationship to its former level if we are to be truly faithful to the meaning of forgiveness.

Matthew 5:38-42

38 Jesus said to his disciples: “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. 40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.”

Source:  Kerygma Family e-newsletter

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Is Internet Sex Cheating?

This feature from The Philippine Star, published today, June 9, 2011, caught my attention and pondered about it for awhile.  The said article was triggered by the recent scandal that hit New York courtesy of Rep. Anthony Weiner.  The once considered as a top contender to become mayor of New York confessed during a tearful news conference that he had sent suggestive photographs and messages to women and had repeatedly lied to cover up his actions.

Issue:  If it's virtual, does it constitute infidelity?

Somebody, mentioned in the same article, answered with a question, "Would you text it, post it, send it with your spouse looking over your shoulder?  If yes, then it's not infidelity.  If no, you're cheating."  And I agree.

Hence, cheating need not be physical...

Technology has made it easier for couples to cheat.  What with the accessibility of mobile phones and internet these days, one spouse can still cheat in the comforts of their own conjugal home and perhaps even within the confines of their own bedroom.

Technology...  tsk!  tsk! :(

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Missed Opportunity...

Few years ago, an old acquaintance (may his soul rest in peace) mentioned to me that he got a condo unit somewhere in Fort Bonifacio.  He was not a real estate agent (and he didn't need to be one as he was a very well-off man) but he tried to convince me in getting myself a condo there, too.  According to him, it's for investment purposes...

Brilliant idea!  But when I learned that the contract price (at that time!) of units was around a little over one million (as it was on its pre-selling stage then and Fort Bonifacio was not yet as developed as it is now), I backed out!  How could I pay it off with the meager salary I have as a government employee?!  He suggested that I avail of the maximum loan term of say, 20 years, and shorten it eventually when I already have additional means.  The important thing, he pointed out, is I get to own an investment property and start it off with forced savings.  Hard-headed as I always am, I did not heed on to his advise..

Now, I regret that decision.  I heard condo units at Fort Bonifacio cost at around P6 million nowadays.  If only I listened to him.. :(

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back To Reality... Back to School...

Before I knew it, my summer vacation is about to end... in less than two weeks.  If only I can hold back the time!  I have so many things to do yet.  I haven't enjoyed my summer vacation to the fullest!  And enrollment for the first semester will close on May 30...

I should have travelled to Cebu and attended our college reunion.  Well, I still have time.. til tomorrow... :(

I Passed!

I thought I would not be able to make it!  Whew!  To think, I was already at the brink of giving it up.  What with the special & regular audits to finish, numerous reports to submit, a nagging relationship to handle, etc. etc. etc.

It was my classmates who first checked out my grade sheet.  When they announced to me the good news, it was only then that I took the courage to see it for myself.  And voila!

I guess the quizzes saved me from failing.  My professor was so... never mind.  Just imagine all the horrible qualities you could think of a teacher.  One false move and you're out.  My one-time absence, which according to my classmates, might got me a zero grade for a supposedly oral recitation, could have pulled me down.

Well, maybe the fortune teller is right after all... :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is It Over?

Few minutes before I started writing this, I heard shouts of jubilation from a group of people nearby.  At first, I thought they were watching a basketball game about a 50meters away from my place.  But then, on the second thought... is it over?

I feel for Mommy Dionisia.  She must have prayed so hard for her son's safety.  Manny Pacquiao is a tough fighter but one could not underestimate what Sugar Shane Mosley can do to the career of the Pambansang Kamao.

I just wish them all well..

Saturday, April 23, 2011

We Could Have It All...

For the coming Easter Sunday, for a new beginning, this is a very nice, meaningful, song for those who can relate...

Easier said than done.  Must be too good to be true...  On the second thought however... hmmm...


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