Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

cruisin' at slex - part 2

where was i? okay, yeah now i remember. i was at slex right? well, i encountered this what i call as, "death-defying swerving machine" a.k.a. public bus. my instict suddenly reminded me of what i was taught in my driving school - defensive driving. well, that serves me right 'coz i arrived in alabang safe and sound. my adventure there is another story. but for now, let me fast-forward by talking about what happened when i was on my way back home. i was again at slex. as i drove, i watched out for the sign that says, "to tagaytay". but i found nothing! then, i began to be filled with horror again! (that's an overstatement, by the way. hehe). this time, i could feel the sweat easing on my forehead. how could i not? it was dark already. then, i saw the sign that says "southwoods exit". should i go in there or not? but i did not! i drove past that and continued on my crazy journey. that time, i was hoping i wouldn't, but i was already half-expecting to, read a banner saying,"welcome to camarines sur!".

then, as if a bright light signaled me to read the sign, "to carmona/dasmariñas", i decided to make a right turn and made my way to carmona. i stopped by a gas station and asked for directions to dasmariñas. there i was told that i was heading towards... the opposite direction! well, it's okay. i've only driven for about 100meters only from where i was supposed to take a right turn instead of left. so, i made a u-turn. then i passed by southwoods.. as i tried to dissect whether it was a bad decision to take carmona instead of southwoods, i realized i was still thankful that i did not choose the latter. had i taken it, i would have gotten lost as few vehicles entered that subdivision. i did not also take the shortcut road going to silang. it was a road less travelled anyway especially at nighttime. when i reached dasmariñas, i heaved a sigh of relief. i began singing (or was i already screaming then?! i wonder..) to my heart's content trying to outdo the singer on the radio while driving a familiar uphill route to tagaytay. whew! what a journey!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

cruisin' at slex - part 1

what an adventure! yesterday, i mustered all my courage to go to alabang all by myself! i was unsure of the route but nevertherless, i jumped right in and hit the road. all i had with me was a trickle memory of the path my boss & my colleague always chose whenever we travel to manila. "trickle" in the sense that.. never mind! just read on and you'll understand why. anyway, from tagaytay i took a right turn to silang then proceeded to carmona. everything went out smoothly. i hummed as i listened to the music over the radio. however, i began to panic when i entered southwoods! i was confused which way to take! there i wished i hadn't taken a nap or chatting with my colleague or texting or talking on the phone while travelling! i should have paid attention to the landmarks we passed by.. good thing, my sixth sense ordered me to follow those vehicles ahead of me although the rebel in me was screaming to go against the tide. to make the story short, i finally found my way to slex and cruising at a devil's speed (forgive my profanity). it was a mad rush! to be continued..

Thursday, February 28, 2008

extravagant gastronomic experience

in the midst of preparing our audit observation memoranda, we managed to sneak out from reality and allowed ourselves to be tempted by our insatiable appetites. at around 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, my boss and my colleague were at the Casino just enjoying the moment as we savored the sinful taste of choco monster cake provided by figaro. i gulped when i learned that the choco frost i was sipping costs P205! while a slice of cake is priced at P105! 'though i shouldn't be affected since i did not pay for it, but the fact remains that it was too pricey! i could have a full meal with that! well, life's like that.. what more can i do but just finished my drink bottom up, wiped my plate clean, and move on..

tough decision, yet a better one

Hi again! Many of you (my dear colleagues and acquaintances) have been wondering why i took a major step to move to Tagaytay from the "oh, little town of butuan". Well, let me explain, in part, by sharing to you this excerpt from Robert T. Kiyosaki's book entitled Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant. Here it is:

Losers Do the Same Things in Life

People who are afraid of losing do the same things in real life. We all know of:

1. People who stay in marriages where there is no longer any love.
2. People who stay at dead-end jobs.
3. People who hang on to old clothes and "stuff" they will never use.
4. People who stay in towns where they have no future.
5. People who stay friends with people who hold them back. (emphasis MINE)

Well, did i just satisfy your curiousity? Do i need to say more? Just hold on for my next post! :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

countdown to manila

if my mathematics serves me right, it's only 35 days before i'll be transferring to manila. huhuhu. manila here i come! hehehe. you think i must be crazy! but, honestly? i don't know what to feel. i will surely miss tagaytay but at the same i'm looking forward for the challenges waiting for me in manila. in the next few weeks, i'll try to reminisce my memorable stint here in tagaytay and hopefully i will have the time to write it down here in my blog. till my next post! ciao! :)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

breakfast in the office

what's wrong with having a breakfast in the office.. err.. office canteen? let me tell you the background of my story. the night before (or shall i say, few hours before?) , i slept at around 1am already.. in the office! i woke up at almost 6am or barely after 5hrs. i went home at 830am just to freshen up in haste with all those bath rituals and stuff. i returned back to the office few minutes before 10am. then, we had breakfast (brunch!) at 1030am. to think it's saturday! i should have been at home still snoring at this time. zzzzz! ngork! gosh, sacrifices.. we have a deadline to beat..


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