Thursday, September 2, 2010

Public Humiliation...

Imagine that you are being reprimanded in public.  What would you feel?  Even parents are not advised to do that to their kids.  What more if it comes from somebody else?  Worse, what if the reason he/she was angry about is too shallow?  Would you accept that?  You could not help but think that the motive for his/her childish outburst is just to show off to the public that he/she has POWER over you.

I have seen that scene before.. in schools, offices, and other public places.  I feel sorry for the victim but indifferent for the aggressor, who, by the way is what I described as, insensitive, immature, and abusive of his/her authority over his/her prey.  I guess that makes him/her happy... for what?  For being able to get back at someone else, for he/she himself/herself had been a victim before (or maybe he/she is still suffering at present)?  Probably...

Then maybe he/she would have understood what the victim went through as it surely affects one's self-esteem, self-worth, respect, etc. etc.  and of course, what about DIGNITY?

What if it happens to me... again?  Of course, it happened to me before but it was many, many years ago.  I was still too young to defend myself..

But if it will happen to me again, I don't know what I am going to do.  I just don't want to become the real bitch that I am preventing myself to be.  God help me...

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