Showing posts with label google+. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google+. Show all posts

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Somebody Just Impersonated Me!!!!!#@%$&*!!!!!

Who are you?!?!?!?!?!!!
I tried to google my name and there I found a Google+ profile bearing my name but not my photograph!  I consider my name as peculiar and unique that it would be almost impossible that somebody would have exactly the same first and family name as mine!  I hope I am wrong but what infuriates me are the obscene photos that are so disgusting that I could not even bear to post it here in my blog!  If she and her name are real, I beg her not to shame me if she wants to shame herself with all those posted photographs!  And I beg her also to use her or her mother's maiden name to distinguish her identity from mine.

I wonder who she is.  The profile was created in January 2015.  I tried to contact her by becoming her 4th follower but I could not find the link.  Hence, I just reported her to Google hoping they would be able to shed light on the matter... :(

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Work Suspended on July 31?

I woke up to a rainy Monday early this morning.  I immediately decided not to report to office and thus, I thereafter notified my officemates, and before I realized it, I was already literally sound asleep.

Few hours after, the rain stopped.  I then wondered if I just made the wrong decision.  But then, it was too late to change my mind, dress myself, and go to work.  It was already 2pm!

At around 230pm, an officemate texted that work had just been declared suspended.  True enough, my google search confirmed the text message.  I was happy, alright.  But my happiness was short-lived..

I was bugged by the question, why only at 230pm?  The government should have declared the suspension of work at the beginning of the day when everybody else is still safely tucked at home.  What if something bad had happened this morning, say, flood?  And since the government was not prompt enough to declare suspension of work, consequently, many workers would have been stranded on the streets!

Oh my!  I shudder at the thought everytime I remember what had happened to me on the day typhoon Ondoy struck Metro Manila.  It was a nightmare!  I walked for maybe a 5-km stretch of C5 Road.  And it was raining cats and dogs.  And I bravely (but stupidly) crossed floodwaters just to reach home.  And I promised never to do it again..

That explains why I would rather prefer to be cuddled in bed than be marked "full service" in the attendance report.  My question now is, what about tomorrow? :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Speaking of TV...

Google has just announced that Google TV will be available soon!  TV and web in one single device?  It must be a remarkable fusion of two powerful stuffs that influences our day-to-day living.  And... this is really exciting!

From the Google Blog:

If there’s one entertainment device that people know and love, it’s the television. In fact, 4 billion people across the world watch TV and the average American spends five hours per day in front of one*. Recently, however, an increasing amount of our entertainment experience is coming from our phones and computers. One reason is that these devices have something that the TV lacks: the web. With the web, finding and accessing interesting content is fast and often as easy as a search. But the web still lacks many of the great features and the high-quality viewing experience that the TV offers.
Read more

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Back!

It had been months since I noticed that my ads in my blog were nothing but all public service ads. I thought my account with adsense was deactivated for some violations that I was not aware of.

Well, a week before I took a grand vacation (as in!), I received a long-delayed mail from google. I followed the instructions and, voila! I am back! I am sooo back!

For those of you who know why, wish me luck! For those who don't, just drop me a line.. :)


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