Showing posts with label identity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label identity. Show all posts

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Somebody Just Impersonated Me!!!!!#@%$&*!!!!!

Who are you?!?!?!?!?!!!
I tried to google my name and there I found a Google+ profile bearing my name but not my photograph!  I consider my name as peculiar and unique that it would be almost impossible that somebody would have exactly the same first and family name as mine!  I hope I am wrong but what infuriates me are the obscene photos that are so disgusting that I could not even bear to post it here in my blog!  If she and her name are real, I beg her not to shame me if she wants to shame herself with all those posted photographs!  And I beg her also to use her or her mother's maiden name to distinguish her identity from mine.

I wonder who she is.  The profile was created in January 2015.  I tried to contact her by becoming her 4th follower but I could not find the link.  Hence, I just reported her to Google hoping they would be able to shed light on the matter... :(


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